Namespace org.accordproject.cicero.dom(0.1.0)

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Declared Types

      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Metadata from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Element from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.ContractTemplate from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.ClauseTemplate from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Text from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Parameter from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Choice from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Conditional from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Clause from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.SigningParty from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Signatures from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Link from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Section from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.ListStyle from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.List from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Script from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Declarations from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.Expression from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.ElementExpression from /cicero/dom.cto
      import org.accordproject.cicero.dom.BooleanExpression from /cicero/dom.cto



 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

namespace org.accordproject.cicero.dom

import org.accordproject.cicero.contract.AccordParty from

 * Describes the structure of the natural language and automated clauses for 
 * contract and clause templates. 
 * Scoping
 * =======
 * The @scope annotation is used to tag elements that can only be used in 
 * clause templates, contract templates or used in both.
 * Elements tagged with the ContractTemplate scope may appear in the DOM tree
 * under a root ContractTemplate.
 * Elements tagged with the ClauseTemplate scope may appear in the DOM tree
 * under the root ClauseTemplate.
 * Elements tagged with both ContractTemplate and ClauseTemplate may appear
 in the DOM tree for either a ContractTemplate or ClauseTemplate.

 * DOM metadata
concept Metadata {
  o String version default="1.0" // version of the DOM
  o String locale default="en-US" // Default locale. IETF Language Tag specification (BCP 47)

 * An abstract base type
abstract asset Element identified by id {
  o String id

 * Root type for contract templates
asset ContractTemplate extends Element {
  o Metadata metadata
  o Section content optional

 * Root type for clause templates
asset ClauseTemplate extends Element {
  o Metadata metadata
  o Section content optional

 * A block of (unparameterized) natural language text in a template
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset Text extends Element {
  o String content
  o String locale optional // if not specified inherits the locale of the owning clause or contract

 * A parameter in a template. The parameter has a name and optionally a fully-qualified type name
 * and a description. If the type name is present then the type MUST NOT be present in the template model
 * for the contract or clause and will be dyanmically added. If the type is not present then the template
 * model MUST HAVE a property with the name.
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset Parameter extends Element {
  o String name // the name of the parameter
  o String description optional
  o String type optional // the type of the parameter if defined inline. If not specified the parameter must be in the template model.
  o BooleanExpression constraint optional // An expression to constrain the parameter.

 * An element that must be one of a set of options.
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset Choice extends Element {
 o Element[] options
 o Boolean required

 * An element that must be included if a predicate is true
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset Conditional extends Element {
 o Element element
 o BooleanExpression predicate

 * A reference to a clause via a URI. The URI scheme is opaque to the specification
 * but can include external clauses with URIs like ap://helloworld@0.2.1#8fd9219cf577fe121cdd05d7b0c340fbe0755dc8aec3c6ff818d3b4e5d5a863f
 * or internal clauses with URIs like internal://MyContractSpecificClause
abstract asset Clause extends Element {
  o String templateUri

 * A concept that captures the description and reference to a signing party to the contract
concept SigningParty {
  o Text description
  --> AccordParty party

 * A set of signing parties for a contract
asset Signatures extends Element {
  o SigningParty[] parties

 * A link to an element in the contract.
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset Link extends Element {
  --> Element reference

 * A section of a contract or clause. A section has a heading
 * and an optional set of child elements. A section can optionally include
 * a page break.
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset Section extends Element {
  o Text heading
  o Element[] children optional
  o Boolean pageBreak default=false

 * List styles to support both ordered (numbered) lists, unordered (bullet) lists
 * and lists displayed on a single line
enum ListStyle {
  o ORDERED     // numbers
  o UNORDERED   // bullets
  o SINGLE_LINE // a separated list on a single line

 * A list is a section that numbers or bullets its child elements
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset List extends Section {
  o ListStyle style
  o String separator optional

 * Logic can be inlined in contracts or clauses
abstract asset Script extends Element {
    o String language default="ERGO"
    o String version
    o String code

 * Logic declarations (constants, functions) can be included in a contract to perform basic calculations
asset Declarations extends Script {

 * Expressions can be included to construct part of the output contract or check constraints on parameters
abstract asset Expression extends Script {

 * An expression that returns an element
@scope(ContractTemplate, ClauseTemplate)
asset ElementExpression extends Expression{

 * An expression that returns true or false
asset BooleanExpression extends Expression{